During the hot summer months, our air conditioners are one of the best tools for staying comfortable indoors. But even the best air conditioners can encounter problems now and then. These issues can lower energy efficiency, damage key components or result in other consequences. Trying to find out what’s wrong with your cooling isn’t exactly fun, but prompt diagnosis can get you to a solution that much quicker.

Fortunately, some of the most common air conditioner problems have signs of trouble you can use to narrow down the source. You can then pass off this information to a trusted local source of air conditioner repair in Omaha, NE. They can evaluate your air conditioner and identify the best way to complete repairs. Let’s take a look at 5 of the most common air conditioning repairs. You’ll have a better understanding of what causes these problems and how a professional technician can resolve them.

Air Conditioner Won’t Turn On or Off

When your air conditioner won’t turn on or off, the most likely problem is a severed or loose electrical connection. This can happen when wiring breaks down, a circuit breaker trips or a fuse blows out. Until the issue is resolved, your air conditioner may not be able to shut down or start another cooling cycle.

A technician offering HVAC service in Omaha, NE, will inspect the electrical panel to see if the switch was tripped. If not, a blown fuse may be the source of your problem. They’ll continue to explore the air conditioner’s electrical connections until they find the specific connection responsible.

Air Conditioner Is Blowing Hot Air

Few AC problems are more annoying than a complete lack of cool air. While you may think the refrigerant is the most obvious culprit, a leak isn’t always the case. In fact, the most common reason your air conditioner is blowing air is usually that components are getting too dirty. Enough dust or grime can result in components like the air filter or evaporator coils functioning poorly.

A professional doing AC repair in Omaha, NE, should check these components first. Cleaning the air filter or coils can be a shorter process than replacing components entirely, so it’s worth finding out if this solves your problem. Damage to the coils can also produce hot air since they can’t transfer heat as effectively as they would in normal condition.

A coolant leak is still possible assuming there’s been enough damage. In some cases the leak can be fixed, and your supply of refrigerant restored. But in other cases, the severity of the problem makes replacing the AC system entirely the best option.

Air Conditioner Is Leaking

Leaks are a common if annoying problem since pulling heat out of the air can also capture the humidity inside it. This excess moisture is deposited into the condensate drainage system. When everything is working normally, the drain line removes moisture from your air conditioner entirely. If the line is damaged or clogged, it can result in a leak. You may notice damp or wet areas nearby.

Your air conditioner repair technician will see if flushing the drain line solves the problem. Over time the drain system can become clogged so a simple cleaning should resolve things. But leaks can also appear if other components like the air filter are blocked up. Keeping everything clear of debris can help minimize the risk of a leak.

Air Conditioner Is Making Noise

During a normal cooling cycle, your air conditioner is expected to produce some noise. Aside from the well-known hum, your AC system may also make a few short sounds as it starts up. You’ll quickly become familiar with them, making any unusual noises that much more obvious.

The type of noise you hear can inform you what type of problem you may be dealing with. For example, metallic clanging can be a result of a loose screw or fan blade while loud buzzing is often a sign an electrical connection has been damaged. Make sure to be as descriptive as you can to whoever is providing your air conditioning service.

Air Conditioner Is Short Cycling

Short cycling is a particularly annoying problem when your air conditioner is progressing through cooling cycles too quickly. It can shut down before your preferred temperature is actually achieved. The thermostat notices the problem and tries to start your AC again, starting the process all over again. Short cycling adds a lot of strain to many important components.

Overheating is the most common culprit of short cycling, as internal safety systems will shut the entire AC off to prevent more damage. During your appointment for air conditioner repair in Omaha, NE, your technician will instead have to find out why the system is overheating, which is most often a lack of proper airflow. Cleaning the air filter, drain line and other parts of your AC should help resolve things.

When you need Omaha air conditioning service, our pros at A-1 United are ready to help you! Call us at 402-593-7500 to schedule your appointment now.